

The following is a list of sessions delivered by 大学图书馆 工作人员, 档案工作人员, 和图书管理员 它们是异步的. 不太明白你需要什么? 不要犹豫 与我们分享其他话题的想法 或者向你的 subject librarian for more options by discipline.


Take a virtual tour of 奥尔登图书馆 with our "This is 奥尔登图书馆" video series! 

学习目标: Students will learn about the many resources and 服务 that 奥尔登图书馆 offers via a series of short videos dedicated to various areas of the building. 

持续时间: 9个2-3分钟的视频

模式: 在线视频系列



评估资源:你会相信我吗? Video; The CRAAP Test; The Four Moves

Video and two infographics about how to evaluate information. 视频问道:“你会相信谁?" and investigates how to decide who is worthy. 这两个信息图, "The CRAAP Test" and "The Four Moves" offer two short-hand evaluation strategies. These can be used independently or as a class exercise.


  • Discover multiple techniques for evaluation of information.
  • Establish a habit of critical thinking regarding information we encounter.
  • Use CRAAP or the Four Moves to effectively investigate an online source.

持续时间: Video: 5 minutes; infographics 15-45 minutes.

模式:  视频、图表




This interactive tutorial was designed for first year students at bet8九州登录入口 and acts as an introduction to the 库’ collections, 服务, 和支持. The tutorial prompts users to practice searching strategically and practice searching 库’ resources. A quiz is included within the tutorial, and a certificate of completion is provided upon completion. 

学习目标: Students will learn the important skill of narrowing a research topic, and understand the differences between databases, 搜索引擎, 还有其他资源. 另外, students will conduct basic searches in ArticlesPlus, 爱丽丝, OhioLINK, 还有我们的数字特别收藏.   

持续时间: 30 - 45分钟

模式: 交互式教程




Information in real life examines our need for information after we leave college. It can range from finding a Subway nearby for lunch to determining which life-saving medical procedure to apply in this emergency. Where do we go for information after graduation and how do we know it's good information?


  • Define lifelong learning, action research, and evidence-based practice.
  • Recognize barriers and opportunities to access different type of information during and after college.
  • Discover where to find information based on need.
  • bet8九州登录入口 the SIFT method for evaluating online information.

持续时间: 45 - 60分钟

模式: Interactive tutorial with optional certificate




This interactive plagiarism tutorial walks students through the basics of plagiarism including the definition of plagiarism, 什么是释义和引用, 以及如何发现抄袭. A quiz is included within the tutorial, and a certificate of completion is provided upon completion.  

学习目标: Attendees will understand what plagiarism is and the steps they can take to ensure that they are using resources responsibly.   

持续时间: 20 - 30分钟

模式: 交互式教程



Scholarship as Conversation and Article Deep Dive

"Article Deep Dive" and "Scholarship as a Conversation" are companion learning objects for classroom use. 结合, they are a powerful two-session examination of where our academic literature comes from and how to understand and extend what we find in an article record in a database. 


  • 理解科学的过程.
  • 说出一篇学术文章的组成部分.
  • Discover how the ideas in academic research go from journal to popular writing to social media memes, 在时间上来回移动.

学习ing goals for Scholarship is a Conversation:

  • 定义文献综述.
  • Be able to discuss who is "in the room where it happens" and understand how information commodified, 享有特权的, 或控制.

持续时间:两次50-80分钟的训练. 每个都可以独立使用.

模式: 视频 with detailed lesson plans for use by instructors in a classroom setting.




The Social Sciences benefit from a myriad of databases specific to its many fields of study, 比如商业, 教育, 或社会学. 学习ing to use these efficiently will make life easier for researchers. This tutorial walks a student through the what and the how of subject databases, including advanced search techniques and using an article to find more articles.

学习目标: 通过学习本教程, students will discover what a subject database is, 如何使用它, and how it can benefit research in their field. 

  • 搜索语句中的同义词
  • 搜索操作符和限制符
  • 内部线索查找更多信息
  • 主题词表

Students will be able to find their subject librarian and contact them for help.

持续时间: 45 - 60分钟

模式: Interactive tutorial with optional certificate

访问 the 社会科学数据库教程


Words and Synonyms; The 词库 Video

学习ing to manipulate words and synonyms in database searching will mean the difference between flailing and gathering the best and most precise list of returns. This page includes a video about how "词库s" work, an infographic showing three ways to think through your search strategy, 还有三份讲义作为工作表. These can be used independently or as a class exercise.


  • Discover the importance of synonyms in excellent database searching.
  • 就一个话题建立一个“词库”.
  • bet8九州登录入口 the use of operators and limiters in a database search.

持续时间: Video: 5 minutes; infographic and handouts: 15-45 minutes.

模式: 视频,信息图表,讲义.

访问词及同义词 & 词库



Zotero is a citation manager that is available for free and is used by many students, 教师, 工作人员, 以及bet8九州登录入口的图书馆员. This tutorial  is designed to walk you through the basics of setting up and using the Zotero software and account to manage your references and citations. 该教程可以作为一个视频观看, 但它也被分解成更小的视频, 如果你有特别的问题.   

学习目标: Attendees will be able to download Zotero and create an online account, 为风格指南设置他们的首选项, pull citations in from ArticlesPlus and Google Scholar, 用文件夹整理他们的引文, 标签, 和笔记, and finally create citations and references in the style of their choice.

持续时间: 50分钟

模式: 在线视频系列
